RAA proudly amplified the voices of young First Nations people across National Reconciliation Week last week.
With the Reconciliation Week theme ‘Be a Voice for Generations’, RAA showcased community partner Tjindu Foundation students’ voices on RAA’s social media channels.
“RAA is proud to partner with Tjindu Foundation, which does amazing work developing and supporting young Aboriginal people by combining success at school, cultural education and AFL,” RAA General Manager Community and Corporate Affairs, Emily Perry said.
“During Reconciliation Week, we wanted to let the students speak to our audience about their priorities for their communities, while also sharing about the fantastic opportunities Tjindu provides.”
Other RAA activities during National Reconciliation Week included:
Ms Perry said sharing about the history, cultures and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples was a key part of RAA’s commitment to reconciliation.
“As outlined in our Reconciliation Action Plan, we see our role at RAA as educating and communicating with our staff, members and the broader community about the importance of reconciliation.
“This was also a focus during Reconciliation Week, and we felt very fortunate to share our activities throughout the week with so many people.”
To learn more, read RAA’s Reconciliation Action Plan here.