With Australia’s COVID-related travel restrictions now in the rear-view mirror, new figures show one type of trip has returned to its former glory.
The Caravan Industry Association of Australia’s latest National Visitor Economy Report shows the most recent June quarter was the largest June quarter on record for Australian caravan trips. In the three-month period there were 14.1 million nights stayed in caravans across the country – proving it remains a popular way for Australians to get out and see their extended backyard.
Caravan Industry Association of Australia CEO Stuart Lamont said the numbers spoke to the contribution of caravanning to the wider visitor economy.
“The caravan and camping sector is vitally important to Australia’s visitor economy, with 12.8 million overnight trips taken in the year end June 2022 and creating 52 million visitor nights.
“These visitors spent more than $8.1 billion whilst they travel which in turn supports local economies, job creation and regional communities.”
Setting off on a safe journey
With new caravans hitting the road across the country, RAA is reminding holidaymakers not to get complacent with their caravan safety skills and knowledge, especially if they’re new to the caper.
RAA Senior Manager Safety and Infrastructure Charles Mountain said caravans could be dangerous if not used correctly.
“We would certainly encourage drivers who have not towed anything larger than a small trailer to undertake a course in towing, such as the ones offered by RAA,” said Charles.
“It is important that the vehicle and caravan combination is correctly set up as this will ensure that it handles safely.”
“This training should include attaching and disconnecting a caravan/trailer safely, safe driving while towing and reversing using mirrors or guidance.”
RAA’s caravan courses help motorists to:
Visit our website for more information or to book a course.