
Eyre Peninsula locals to have their say on region’s road network

25 May, 2023

Eyre Peninsula residents are being asked to share their views on the region’s road and transport network, via an RAA survey which is now open.

RAA will be conducting a full regional road assessment on the Eyre Peninsula later in 2023 and is running the preliminary survey to get locals’ views on the region’s transport network. The survey findings will then inform the focus of RAA’s investigation and discussions with local stakeholders.

RAA Senior Manager Safety and Infrastructure Charles Mountain said RAA’s road assessments helped the organisation to advocate for necessary infrastructure upgrades and improvements.

“Later this year RAA’s traffic engineers will be in the Eyre Peninsula region to conduct a full regional road assessment,” Mr Mountain said.

“The last time we assessed the region’s roads was 2015, so we’re interested to see what may have changed in the years since.

“To inform our investigation, we’re encouraging Eyre Peninsula residents to have their say on the roads and corridors they use regularly via our survey.

“The survey is also open to other road users who regularly pass through the Eyre Peninsula region.

“It seeks to uncover the community’s views on things like the most problematic roads – whether that be from a design or maintenance perspective – as well as heavy vehicle impacts, cycling corridors, public transport options and more.”

Mr Mountain said SA Government data shows 31 lives were lost and 122 serious injuries suffered between 2017-2021 on roads in the Eyre Peninsula, and more than half of crash casualties were due to single vehicle run off road crashes.

“The overall aim of this year’s regional road assessment will be to identify what is needed to increase the AusRAP star rating of the Eyre Peninsula highway network to at least three stars.”

The survey can be completed now at It is open until 21 June.