RAA’s Street Smart Primary team has been at St Michael’s College in Beverley teaching more than 100 reception and year one students about the importance of road safety.
Five classes at St Michael’s participated in a tailored road safety lesson – learning all about crossing the road safely, wearing a seatbelt and what to be aware of around roads.
We’ve been running Street Smart Primary since 2014 and have now taught more than 140,000 students in that time. The initiative – which is supported by Think! Road Safety and Lifetime Support Authority – aims to reduce road trauma by educating the next generation of road users from an early age.
RAA School Education Manager David Fairlie says the free program involves 45-minute road safety lessons tailored to each year level.
“Street Smart Primary is a free incursion for schools that is linked to the Australian curriculum,” said Mr Fairlie.
“It gives schools the opportunity to have a trained teacher from RAA, who’s knowledgeable in the field, to come in and teach the students all about road safety.
“We develop and run classes that are suitable for all primary ages – from reception all the way through to year six.
“It’s vitally important because we all interact with the road every day. As young students head to school, they need to understand the importance of being safe around the roads as well.”
Mr Fairlie said RAA was taking bookings now for classes in 2022.
“We undertake 280 school visits per year and can provide multiple visits to larger schools. enquiries are now open for any South Australian Primary School that wants their students to learn about road safety from an early age.”
To learn more or make a booking, visit raa.com.au/streetsmartprimary .