
Heartbreak of road trauma on display in regional SA

20 May, 2022

Sobering reminders of the lives tragically lost on the state’s roads have been on display at regional centres as part of National Road Safety Week.

Volunteer RAA staff placed empty chairs at prominent locations at Mount Gambier, Murray Bridge, Victor Harbour, Whyalla, and Renmark to represent each life lost in the past decade in the local region.

Images of the displays were featured by regional media outlets and shared on our social media channels.

RAA Senior Manager Infrastructure and Road Safety Charles Mountain said the displays highlighted the tragic extent of lives lost across the state in the past decade.

“RAA hopes these symbols will make people reflect on the physical as well as emotional toll of road trauma on victims, their friends and families and the broader community,’’ he said.

“Sadly, SA Police figures show people living in regional and remote areas are over-represented in lives lost, which is one of the reasons why this year we are focusing on vulnerable road users.’’

Mr Mountain said almost two-thirds (638) of total fatalities occurred on regional roads in the past decade occurred on regional roads.

National Road Safety Week is an annual initiative created by the Safer Australian Roads and Highways (SARAH) Group to honour those who have lost their lives or have been injured on Australia’s roads.

A special thank you to Luke Allen for his pictures of the Whyalla Installation.