A new ACCC report has revealed South Australian motorists are saving the second-most in the country with live fuel price tools such as the RAA app.
The Making the Most of Fuel Price Apps and Websitesreport, released today, shows drivers who use price checking apps in SA are saving an average of $486 per year – second only behind Perth – thanks to the current fuel price transparency scheme and SA’s shorter price cycle.
South Australia’s fortnightly cycle generally means city drivers can fill the tank when it’s low – often even below wholesale – and potentially make it through to the next low price point without needing to fill it back up.
The ACCC report notes that in Adelaide there is also a clearer trend of a greater proportion of sales occurring on lower priced days, and a lower proportion when prices peak, compared to other states.
Fuel price apps like the RAA app mean that when prices begin to spike, motorists can shop around to find a cheap outlet, saving them around 40c per litre on that tank alone.
RAA Fuel Expert Mark Borlace said fuel price transparency in SA was clearly working and the RAA app was helping motorists save hundreds of dollars each year.
“Live fuel prices have been a great outcome for South Australian motorists, who are saving big on fuel by shopping around,” Mr Borlace said.
“More than 65,000 South Aussies use the RAA app to find cheap fuel near them every month – meaning we’re saving drivers more than $20 million per year with our app alone.
“In the RAA app, drivers can also view our Fuel Trends feature, which shows them where the price cycle is at any given time, so they can plan their buying habits accordingly to save money.
“Having access to accurate price data is arming consumers with the knowledge they need to make an informed choice about where and when to fill up.
“If you’re not using an app to find cheap fuel, you’re probably giving away money – and every dollar counts for South Aussies right now.”
Drivers in Sydney and Melbourne save an average of $407 and $333 per motorist respectively – due in large part to their longer ULP price cycle leading to less opportunities to buy cheap fuel.