
New Jamestown school crossing officially opened

16 July, 2024

A win for safety in the Jamestown community, with a new pedestrian crossing officially opened at St James School.

Following a safety review of roads and infrastructure near St James R-7 School, RAA recommended several improvements including the installation of a school crossing and the upgrade of the adjacent footpath, each within the existing school zone. 

A portion of the project was then funded through RAA’s Regional Safety Grant program, with the works undertaken recently by the Northern Areas Council. 

RAA’s Charles Mountain and Paul Leone, with Local Mayor Sue Scarman and St James School Principal Evan Wrobel

RAA Senior Manager Safety and Infrastructure, Charles Mountain, and RAA Traffic Engineer, Paul Leone, were invited to open the school crossing at St James School last week together with the Mayor of Northern Areas Council, Sue Scarman. 

Mr Mountain said it was a big win for pedestrian safety.

“This new infrastructure will help students at St James walk safely to school each day,” Mr Mountain said.

“When we reviewed the infrastructure at St James School in 2022, there was no dedicated crossing on King Edward Terrace for students to use – so there were some clear opportunities for safety improvements.

“RAA recommended installing an emu crossing by the school entrance to increase safety for students crossing the road – and it’s fantastic to see it now operational.

“We’d like to thank St James School for their support and Northern Areas Council for their contribution to the completion of these important works.”

Applications for the next round of RAA Regional Safety Grants open 9 September 2024. For more information or to apply, visit