Almost 20 South Australian community organisations have been awarded RAA Regional Safety Grants to help them fund critical projects that will improve the safety and wellbeing of local communities.
Among the grant recipients were several Country Fire Service brigades, which will now be able to purchase crucial firefighting, rescue and first-aid equipment to enhance the level of service they are able to provide to their communities.
Sporting, Surf Life Saving and Lions clubs also received grants, as did primary schools and community progress associations (see full list below).
Successful grant applicants ranged from Thevenard in the Far West, Coober Pedy in Far North and Renmark in the Riverland.
This financial year’s round of grants was boosted by $20,000 – taking the total funds available to $70,000 – and resulting in a jump in recipients from 15 last financial year to 19 this time around.
RAA Insurance Chief Executive Tom Griffiths said more than 55 applications were received last month from regional community groups for the annual grants, which provide much-needed support to small communities.
“It can be really difficult for small communities in country areas to raise money for important projects, which is why RAA’s Regional Safety Grants are so important,” Mr Griffiths said.
“We increased our allocation for these grants in recognition of the important role hard working regional community groups play in making their local areas safer during the pandemic.
“Fundraising for these important projects can be difficult for small regional communities, and RAA’s Regional Safety Grants play an important part in providing much needed funds
“Since the grant’s inception in 2013/14, RAA has been able to provide more than $480,000 in funding to almost 150 worthy causes across the state, which all share a common goal of keeping South Australians safe.”
Mr Griffiths said the funds also recognised more than 220,000 RAA members reside in regional SA.
Cudlee Creek CFS $10,000 to improve storage and cleaning of crew members Personal Protective Clothing
Crystal Brooke Kindergarten $7,552 to install safety handrails between the kindy and Roseview Nursing Home
Perponda Sports Club $6,250 to purchase a fire water tank
Chilton Rocks Surf Life Saving Club (Hayborough) $5,000 to replace an Inflatable Rescue Boat
Thevenard sports Club $4,500 for a playground upgrade
Port Pirie Basketball Association $4,450 to fund a First Aid recovery room
Lions Club of Stansbury Dalrymple $4,000 to purchase stethoscopes for ambulances
Tiddy Widdy Beach Progress Association $4,000 to produce kerbside numbering to help emergency service identify properties
Paracombe CFS $2,887 for the purchase of a thermal camera to identify hot spots which are invisible to the naked eye following a fire and a portable weather meter
Riverland Special School (Berri) $2,785 to purchase enhanced first Aid equipment
Scouts SA Roonka Water Activity Centre (Blanchetown) $3,400 to purchase a water safety pontoon and personal flotation devices
Orroroo Swimming club $2,700 to purchase bubs and kids water safety devices
St Columba’s Memorial School (Warooka) $2,250 to purchase child booster seats and provide education for parents and guardians to correctly secure their children
Friends of the PS industry (Renmark) $2,050 to purchase a defibrillator
Coober Pedy Area School $2,000to provide drug and alcohol prevention education through the Sammy D Foundation
Brinkworth CFS $1,975 for a communications service upgrade
Ardrossan Cricket Club $650 to purchase First Aid kits
Curramulka Community Club $2,000 defibrillator at Curramulka oval
Coonalpyn Women in Agriculture and Business $1,632 to produce kerbside numbering to help emergency service identify properties