
RAA launches new campaign: Better to be a member

10 May, 2024

The state’s largest member-based organisation has introduced Trev the bee, who is spearheading the organisation’s new campaign – “Better to be a member”.

RAA Chief Executive Officer Nick Reade said the campaign – hitting TV screens from Sunday – signalled a new era for RAA, which was taking its longstanding focus on members to a whole new level.

“We want to get to a point where every South Australian knows that being a member of RAA gives you access to a huge range of benefits and savings you can’t get anywhere else,” Mr Reade said.

“It truly is better to be a member of RAA and we’ll be driving that home in this campaign.

“That starts with our road service, insurance, travel and home and energy products and services – and extends to the value you get when you flash your RAA card.

“We now offer more than 100 special deals and discounts to help RAA members save hundreds of dollars each per year.

“Last year around 350,000 members accessed these discounts, which means there are around half a million members who didn’t.

“If everyone used their RAA card we’re talking about millions of dollars back in the pockets of our members which is more important than ever as the rising cost-of-living continues to put pressure on household budgets.

“You can save on everyday expenses like fuel, food and dining, gym memberships, movie tickets and a whole lot more.

“We’ve just surpassed 820,000 members – that provides a huge advantage in terms of economies of scale – and we’re pursuing more of these opportunities when we see value in it for our members.”

Chief Marketing Officer Michael Healy said RAA has worked with some high-profile South Australians to create Trev, a beardly proudly South Australian bumbling bee to help more people understand why it’s ‘Better to be a member’.

Trev the bee arrives almost a decade after Mr Healy and Mr Reade brought Bank SA’s Piping Shrike character to the screen.

Trev the bee

“We’ve tapped into some of South Australia’s best local talent to bring Trev to life,” Mr Healy said.

“Trev loves all things yellow and black and is a big fan of RAA Patrol vans and, indeed, RAA in general.

“Our South Australian creative agency kwpx and Rising Sun Pictures have led the charge on the production and visuals and high-profile local musician Surahn Sidhu from Empire of the Sun has created the soundtrack.

“They’ve also been supported by local production houses Kojo and Darling which really is a testament to the depth of the industry here in South Australia.

“We’re extremely lucky to be able to use companies like Rising Sun Pictures who work on blockbuster Hollywood films and are based in here in SA.”

To explore all the benefits of an RAA membership, visit