RAA is launching its next Grassroots Giving grant round set to deliver $70,000 to not-for-profits and community organisations – with $50,000 being allocated to those affected by the recent Murray River flood event.
From 24 July, not-for-profits and community organisations will be able to apply for grants of up to $5,000 as part of next round of RAA’s Grassroots Giving program.
General Manager of Community and Corporate Affairs Emily Perry said this round of RAA’s Grassroots Giving grants would focus on helping Murray River communities rebuild after the devastating floods earlier this year.
“Grassroots Giving is all about helping groups and communities who need it most, right across South Australia,” Ms Perry said.
“We know some community groups along the Murray River are still doing it tough and their recovery efforts are still well and truly underway.
“Community groups, clubs and not-for-profits don’t always have surplus funds to rebuild after such a significant and unexpected natural disaster like these floods.
“These groups are the lifeblood of regional communities – they help provide the sense of community and belonging that makes these communities what they are.
“Whether it’s the local bowls club, Men’s shed, charity group or sporting club, they all support and make up the social fabric of small regional communities.
“Our grants aim to fast-track their efforts so communities in flood affected areas can return to a level of normality.
“RAA is proud to offer these communities a helping hand on behalf of our members when they need it most.
“We enjoy seeing the variety of submissions we receive, and this round will be particularly special as we help River communities rebuild after a devastating start to the year.”
Since the program began in 2019, previous Grassroots Giving recipients received more than $192,500, helping communities across the state.
For more information visit Grassroots Giving (raa.com.au).