Regional schools, clubs and community groups are being encouraged to apply for a share of $70,000 to help with new projects from today, as RAA’s Regional Safety Grants open for applications.
The RAA Regional Safety Grant program is an annual initiative aimed at supporting vital projects or activities that benefit regional safety, and has provided almost half a million dollars in grants since 2013.
Any non-profit, school or organisation based in regional SA can apply for a grant of up to $10,000 to help fund a safety project, with applications open until Tuesday 8 October.
RAA Insurance Chief Executive Tara Page said the state’s largest member organisation was proud to give back to regional South Australian communities.
“Our Regional Safety Grants have helped organisations from the West Coast to the Far North, the South East and regions in between,” Ms Page said.
“They’re about giving back, supporting and improving the communities that our members live in right across the state.
“Previous grants recipients include CFS clubs, school, sporting clubs and more – to help pay for vital safety projects and equipment such as defibrillators, security lighting and safer playgrounds.
“We encourage any regional organisation with a safety project in mind to apply for a grant of up to $10,000 through our Regional Safety Grants program.”
A few of last year’s recipients included Bute Early Learning and Primary School ($10,000 for a playground upgrade), Cape Jervis Community Recreation Club ($8,989 for solar security and safety lighting) and Barossa CFS ($5,720 for CPR mannequin for advanced resus training).
Bute Early Learning and Primary School Principal Richard Hall said the school’s new playground had been embraced by the local community.
“In 2023 we enlisted the help of Kidsafe SA to conduct a comprehensive playground inspection to ensure our former playground was safe and complied with the required safety standards,” Mr Hall said.
“Unfortunately, the inspection report received highlighted that there are numerous sections and components of our playground which did not meet the required current standards
“The Regional Safety Grant we received from RAA made a significant positive impact to the overall cost of the new playground for the school.
“All of our students, including regular visitors from our Preschool and Early Learning Centre, absolutely love and adore the opportunities for challenge, socialisation and joy brought about by having a wonderful playground in our school community.”