School pick-up time is the worst hour of the day for pedestrian casualty crashes – prompting an RAA warning as thousands of students return to school today.
According to state government crash data, at least 263 child pedestrians were either injured or killed in a road crash between 2018-22 – and 124 of these were at school pick-up and drop-off times.
The data shows more pedestrian injuries occur between 3-4pm than any other hour of the day.
Other high-risk times include the school drop-off period between 8-9am, and the evening peak period of 4-6pm.
RAA Senior Traffic Engineer Matt Vertudaches in said SA’s roads will be busier as students head back to school this week.
“Young people walking to school are our most vulnerable road users, and it’s concerning to see 124 children have been injured or have lost their lives at school pick-up or drop-off times between 2018 and 2022,” Mr Vertudaches said.
“We know that winter is the worst season for pedestrians being injured in crashes – with the number rising by 30% compared to the rest of the year in metro Adelaide.
“This is likely due to reduced visibility caused by shorter days, fog or wet weather, and slippery roads increasing stopping distances for vehicles.
“It’s no surprise to see that peak times including school pick-up and drop-off hours are the worst for pedestrian crashes – as there are both more pedestrians and vehicles on the road at these times.
“We’re reminding drivers of the risk and urging them to take extra care now that school is back.”
Mr Vertudaches urged drivers to brush up on the rules surrounding school zones.
“All road users should be extra cautious this week around school zones – where the 25km/h speed limit applies whenever any children are present.
“We know busy roads will see travel times increase this week – so it’s a good idea to leave a few minutes earlier in the morning so you won’t be rushed.
“Roads are generally quieter before 7:30am, so leave before then if you want to avoid the busiest peak hour traffic.”