
Which Australian cities are paying the most for petrol?

10 October, 2024

Motorists in Adelaide are paying around 10c per litre less on average for unleaded fuel than drivers on the eastern seaboard, according to the ACCC’s latest quarterly fuel pricing report.

The average price for unleaded fuel in Adelaide was 189.2 cents per litre during the June quarter – behind only Perth at 188c per litre – according to the ACCC’s most recent Report on the Australian Petroleum Market.

By comparison, motorists in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Hobart and Canberra were all paying between 199.6 and 205.1 cents per litre on average throughout the quarter.

RAA fuel expert Mark Borlace said this was largely due to Adelaide’s fortnightly price cycle and live fuel price checking tools saving drivers millions of dollars each year.

Empty fuel warning light in car dashboard. Fuel pump icon. gasoline gauge dash board in car with digital warning sign of run out of fuel turn on. Low level of fuel show on speedometer dashboard

“It’s good news for Adelaide motorists again according to the ACCC – we’re paying less for unleaded fuel on average than our counterparts in almost every other Australian city,” Mr Borlace said.

“Drivers often get frustrated by price cycles, where retailers suddenly raise their prices to increase margins before they begin to return back towards wholesale.

“But Adelaide’s fortnightly cycle generally means city drivers can fill the tank when it’s low – often even below wholesale – and potentially make it through to the next low price point without needing to fill it back up.

“Melbourne and Sydney, for example, have much longer price cycles, so there are less chances to fill up when it’s cheap.

“Drivers are also encouraged to shop around using live fuel prices with a tool like the RAA app, because there is often still a cheap outlet around even if most have raised their prices.

“The RAA app alone is saving motorists around $20 million per year, based on the 65,000 drivers using it every month.

“With household budgets under strain due to the cost of living, fuel is one expense where you can save if you’re savvy with when and where you fill up – and Adelaide is a good place to be if you want to do so.”

To find cheap fuel near them, SA motorists can use the RAA app or website.

Average unleaded fuel prices – June 2024 quarter

CityAverage ULP price (cents per litre)