
No spare? No worries – thanks to RAA’s new trial

3 June, 2023

South Australians who drive modern cars that don’t carry a spare wheel, such as most electric vehicles, will soon benefit from an Australian-first trial should they need a wheel change.

RAA is set to pilot new multi-fit wheel kits, which can be fitted to most vehicles if one of their wheels is damaged, enabling them to drive to a repairer where they can get it replaced.

The trial of the technology comes in response to many car manufacturers saving weight on new vehicles by excluding the spare tyre, a practice which is especially commonplace on EVs.

RAA Future Motoring Specialist Simon Halford said the state’s largest member organisation had purchased four multi-fit wheel kits from UK-based manufacturer AE Oscroft & Sons.

“Many modern vehicles now carry a tyre mobility kit instead of a spare wheel, but these kits are only really useful for minor punctures that are able to be temporarily repaired,” Simon said.

“At RAA we’re looking for a long-term solution to help all vehicles that need a new wheel get to where they need to go for their replacement.

“We’ve been in discussions with the AA in the United Kingdom, who have been using these multi-fit wheel kits for several years, and are now excited to trial them here in Adelaide.”

Simon said the multi-fit wheel kits consist of a rim and hub adaptors that have different bolt patterns, enabling it to be attached to almost all types of wheel hubs.

“If we’re able to bring this technology in across our patrol network down the track, it will give peace of mind to all RAA members who don’t have a spare wheel in their vehicle.

“It means they won’t need to wait for a tow for a tyre-related breakdown.”

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