RAA has welcomed the release of State Government’s 16 options to address heavy vehicle safety on the down track of the South-Eastern Freeway.
The State Government today released a list of short, medium and long-term initiatives to help improve safety on the South-Eastern Freeway and the notorious intersection of Cross Road, Portrush Road and Glen Osmond Road.
Senior Manager for Road Safety and Infrastructure Charles Mountain said the government’s South-Eastern Freeway industry roundtable was very productive.
“RAA certainly welcomed having a seat at the government’s roundtable and we think this list of initiatives is a step in the right direction,” Mr Mountain said.
“We’ve seen too many tragic crashes resulting from out-of-control trucks on the down track of the South-Eastern Freeway and we’re optimistic that there’s now a plan in place to begin addressing this issue.
“There’s no silver bullet to fix this problem but the combination of education campaigns, regulatory amendments and infrastructure solutions form a comprehensive approach to improve safety on this important corridor.
“RAA has long been advocating for safety improvements, including the third safety ramp so out of control vehicles have another opportunity to divert off the freeway and avoid tragedy before the intersection.
“We would like to see these initiatives delivered as soon as possible – including a third safety ramp.
“We will continue to work closely with the state government and seek further clarity around some of the initiatives and keep our members informed.”