
School red-light runners surge in South Australia

2 May, 2022

We’re asking drivers to be patient as SA students return to school this week, after a worrying jump in the number of drivers caught running red lights near campuses was revealed.

The number of motorists caught running red lights at school pedestrian crossings has surged by 46 per cent – up from 2542 in 2020 to 3710 last year.

RAA Senior Manager Safety and Infrastructure Charles Mountain said it was concerning that these traffic offences had increased at such locations for the first time since 2017.

“Drivers must be aware that speeding, running red lights and failing to give way can have potentially catastrophic consequences,’’ Mr Mountain said.

“Pedestrians – especially young children – are among the most vulnerable road users and RAA urges motorists to be vigilant and cautious around schools.’’

Charles also reminded drivers to observe the 25km/h limit when students were present in school zones.

“It’s important to remember that the lower speed limits apply whenever children are present, and that can be outside of school hours and at weekend sporting activities. 

“It’s important to remember that when the amber lights at crossings are flashing or the orange flags are out it means the crossing are in operation so slow down and be prepared to stop,’’ Mr Mountain said.

He also said school crossings would once again be in use during drop off and pick up times.

“Drivers should be aware that pedestrian crossings with traffic signals on major roads near schools will be in more frequent use from today,” he said.

“They should also remember that parked vehicles can make it harder for drivers to spot younger children trying to cross the road.

“Parents and care givers should be careful not to double park or park in driveways when dropping off or picking up the kids.’’

SA school pedestrian crossings with more red light offences

Site addressSchoolRed Light OffencesFinesVOC Levy
Portrush Rd, LINDEN PARKLinden Park Primary School515$257,933$46,948
Kensington Road, KENSINGTON PARKMarryatville Primary School474$237,246$43,174
Marion Road, ASCOT PARKAscot Park Primary School364$182,056$33,120
Goodwood Rd, GOODWOODGoodwood Primary School302$151,097$27,484
Diagonal Rd, GLENELG EASTGlenelg Primary School257$128,435$23,378
South Rd, BLACKFORESTBlack Forest Primary School235$117,658$21,412
St Bernards Rd, MAGILLNorwood Morialta High School170$85,049$15,474
Beach Road, MORPHETT VALECalvary Lutheran Primary School166$83,461$15,200 
Portrush Rd/Phillips St, KENSINGTONMary Mackillop College162$81,189$14,774
Torrens Rd, WOODVILLE NORTHWoodville High School153$76,644$13,956