
What do we stand for

Safer communities

We want all South Australians to feel safe in their community.

Protecting you from fire and flood

  • The increasing rate of natural disasters has resulted in industry-wide insurance premium increases and is leaving a lasting financial and personal toll.
  • RAA is committed to working with communities, industry, and government to help reduce the impact of natural disasters on South Australians.
  • This requires a broad approach including infrastructure, such as levees, more rigorous land use planning decisions, and changes to planning and building codes.
  • RAA will continue to work with all levels of government, industry and other stakeholders to ensure insurance cover remains viable and affordable in the future.

Improving land use planning

  • RAA supports the development of a new 30-year plan for greater Adelaide to deliver sustainable long-term growth for Greater Adelaide and improve housing affordability.
  • There needs to be a long-term plan that supports Adelaide’s population growth needs while giving greater consideration of flood and fire-risk zones in new development planning.
  • Currently, many areas of land available and proposed for development are in high-risk areas for natural perils including bushfire and flood.

Theft reduction 

  • RAA supports the ongoing development and review of Australian Design Rules governing standards for anti-theft performance requirements.  
  • Motorists should be encouraged to take precautions against vehicle theft, including educational programs for owners of older cars, which are primary theft targets. 

Misuse of motor vehicles 

  • RAA condemns the misuse of motor vehicles, including illegal street racing, excessive engine and tyre noise, loud amplified sound systems and damage to public property. 
  • RAA supports legislation to crack down on those who misuse their vehicles and put others and themselves in harm’s way, including impounding or wheel-clamping offending vehicles and forfeiture for repeat offenders, with crushing reserved for vehicles that can’t be sold for safety reasons. 
  • Also proceeds from the sale of forfeited vehicles should be directed to the Victims of Crime Fund. 

Road Safety Strategy 

  • RAA fully supports the ‘zero lives lost’ goal and South Australia’s ‘Road Safety Strategy to 2031’, including its targets. 
  • Road safety strategies and action plans are essential for reducing road trauma and helping to save lives on our roads. 
  • Interventions should follow safe-system principles, recognising human error and the fragility of the human body, aiming to prevent fatalities and serious injuries without compromising mobility.